Follow the title to the story in
The Age last December. Apparently certain anon sees his nothing silver vomit as better to look at that Bansky's
Little Diver was. He slopped his paint all down the back of this iconic street art's protective backing. If I wasn't a pretend Buddhist I would say I hope he departs us soon to rort in hell instead. It's a sad, sick world my friends. *Sigh*
They are. That is so sad.
I had the oddest thought about this while reading it: What if the person who did this was Banksy himself? If that is so, then that opens up a new area of discussion of what art is exactly. Just a thought. If it wasn't him, then his art has affected someone in perhaps a way admirers don't like, but which also leads us down another path regarding the purpose of art and it's true social/spiritual function. Art is a statement after all and although I don't condone this, it fascinates me, especially because of it's less than genteel location. Thanks for posting this Jen, it has given me something to ponder this day.
Val, your comments are very thought provoking. As someone who treasures Bansky's work, I hate to see it affected in any way. I love the spirit of art anarchy and the determination to turn mundane commercial property into free, moving and inspiring art that often comments about society, which is what Bansky does for me. But I can also see that the ephemerality of this art is one of its fagilities. I guess I will have to accept that someone has thumbed their nose at the attempt to permanantise this work which Melbournians have really, really taken to heart and celebrated. We have a fantastic graffiti and paperfitti universe in Melbourne. Attempts by councils to (a) clean it up, and (b) pay certain repetitive groups with no political commentary to wipe out the sporadic diversity of others' work has angered me. Even this, I suspect, will be recreated in time. I wait.
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