Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Alan Didak all is forgiven

this is how you did it
kicked out their rusted-on disdain
shot your 85 kilos ballward like a foxy out a cannon
cut the herd whip hips a freak machine the wiring
foottobraintohandtoeye ecstatic
and the nanosecond prethink reaction swing 360 3D
a blast

whelped in black and white
kicks like a circus
dog heart
the rhino-fuel joyride
with pumpaction angel
of obfuscation
headdown ghostrider death set
of assignations
mystery man midnight shaker
all forgiven
all is forgiven
thy name is Alan Didak
hallowed be thy name

1 comment:

Paul said...

Cool! Football poetry! And with such a rushin' rhythm and word tumble. Your poems really are like songs, so full of life and energy. Wonderful.