Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I've never used a toilet as portrayed in pictures 1 and 2 in this official poster on a Swinburne University toilet wall, but I guess at sometime someone has, or else they wouldn't have put this up, right?


Maxine said...

Is this for real? Hilarious!

Jen Jewel Brown said...

It absolutely is. I find the diagram absolutely fascinating, especially with the Lego-type student body illustrated. Gee, the cleaners must have had to deal with some real bad situations.

Ann ODyne said...

there are worse/similar signs at the Ford Plant. *goes off singing* 'We are one, We are many ...

Jen Jewel Brown said...

Anne, do tell? Would love to see a pic ...

Jen Jewel Brown said...

AURGH, Ann sorry for misspelling.