Monday, October 09, 2006

Ian Rilen rages: 6.10.06 Prince of Wales St Kilda & beyond

Ian Rilen: Thanks for the joy. Was there ever a more original primal rock'n'roll band than X? How many nights of black and blue bliss did you give me with Cathy Green on drums? Now she's playing super bass to your guitar in your current band The Love Addicts. Pure swamp crocodile - hear their 'Family From Cuba' through the link above. Rose Tattoo - the band you formed - apparently lifted the roof 7.10.06 at the sold-out POW but you, alas, were too sick with that damn man-eating cancer (and chemo) to stir off your hotel bed 100 metres down the road, but I hear you had some good visitors man.

Beasts of Bourbon: you did Ian proud. What monsters of rock you are. You are tight, you bounce, you rage, you roar, you are 150% dedication to the task of lifting our skulls off and pouring in a mixture of love and hydrochloric acid. WHAT is that Master/Slave song? Audacious salacious contagious. Thanks for showing you care. You can't be beaten. Je suis sold.

How good is Paul Kelly? His unannounced appearance at the POW was a rare neat shot of the man, his harmonica, his voice and his o-so-skillful and moving songs, and yet the 2 girls in front of us kept talking ABOUT THEIR HAIR right through his set. Oh preserve me girls.

Apparently around $40K gross was raised with absolutely everybody on the shows donating their work and equipment, with this money to go to Rilen's medical costs and family. At Ian Rilen's dictate Melbourne tickets stayed at $25.

There has been a whisper (as of 10.10.06) that Lobby Loyd is in remission from his cancer, so let's hope Rilen might be able to rally in time for a Sydney show rumoured to be dripping with some of Australia's hottest talent pulling Rilen songs out of their Greatest Influences rack. And why not? This man can wrap a classic pop song format around the most dangerous rock'n'roll ever to have escaped from captivity, break your heart and and make you laugh out loud all at the same time. Ian Rilen, "Bad Boy For Love", is "Bad For Good". Money from that show - date to be advised - will go to SupportAct, the organisation that helps music business folks when they're down on their luck (thanks Michael "Chuggie" Chugg & associates for that great effort

Highlights of the sold-out Friday 7.10.06 POW show included the Tatts and late unannounced appearances with the Hoodoo Gurus by Chrissy Amphlett singing "I'll Make You Happy" and Billy Thorpe with the Tatts.

Greg Sawers is the manager of The Love Addicts and main organiser of all this extraordinary effort. Roll on Sydney (date to be announced).

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